Martina Raggiunti

martina raggiunti

Geologist and mountain lover. I focused my studies on seismology, earthquake geology, structural geology and tectonics. During my studies I carried out an internship at INGV – L’Aquila about seismic characterization of seismic stations in Central Italy.
B.Sc. in Geological Sciences at the University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti and Pescara, 2015. Thesis title: “Censimento ed analisi degli scarichi civili ed industriali con recapito nel fiume Saline: area Moscarola-Lungofino” (Census and analysis of civil and industrial drains into Saline river: Moscarola-Lungofino area).
M.Sc. in Geological Sciences and Technologies at the University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti and Pescara, 2018. Thesis title: “Monitoraggio dei flussi di CO2 da faglie attive e sismogenetiche. Caso di studio: faglia del Monte Gorzano – Campotosto (AQ)” (Monitoring of CO2 fluxes on active and seismogenetic faults. Case of study: Monte Gorzano fault – Camposto (AQ)).
Ph.D. Student in Earth Sciences at the University of Pisa, 2018 - 2021. Thesis title: “Interaction between active faults and migration of fluids”.

  • Seismology
  • Earthquakes Geology
  • Structural Geology
  • Tectonics
  • Remote Sensing

Research project: Interaction between active faults and migration of fluids.


Prof. Derek Boswell Keir
Prof.ssa Carolina Pagli

Martina Raggiunti

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Università di Pisa
Via Santa Maria 53
56126 Pisa