[WGF-LM] News


 On Tuesday 22 September, lessons begin for the MSc in Exploration and Applied Geophysics.

To welcome our students, and in particular the new students, we have decided to organize a welcome meeting and presentation of the course in this phase of the Covid-19 emergency. The meeting will take place from 9.00 to 11.00 on the Microsoft Teams platform (see the link below).

Like all the study programs that refer to the Department of Earth Sciences (DST, where the MSc is hosted), also the MSc in Exploration and Applied Geophysics provide  distance learning for the entire first semester.

The lessons will start from 11 am on Tuesday 22 September following the timetable published on the DST web page (timetable of the first semester 2020-2021). Please see the link below:


During the first lesson hour of each course, the teacher will provide you with all the information you need to follow the course electronically. To communicate, always use your institutional emails and those of the teachers (those ending with @ unipi.it).

The meeting on Tuesday 22 September will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform at the following addresses

Master's Degree Exploration and applied geophysics - team meeting link:


At the end of the meeting, students will be invited to ask for any clarifications they wish.

See you there.




Dates of Admission Tests for Academic Year 2020-2021:   

  • September 04, 10:00 AM
  • September 09, 10:00 AM

You can register to the telematic admission test by writing an email to gea@dst.unipi.it . Specify the date and attach your Previous curriculum assessment table.
An email will confirm the registration.




COVID-19 Didactic activities in the first semester 2020-21

The Department of Earth Sciences (DST), in accordance with the resolution of the academic bodies of May 29, 2020, bases its action for the academic year 2020-2021 on the precautionary and non-discriminatory principle and acts as follows:

- For the first semester 2020-21, all the teachings of the Master of Sciences in Exploration and Applied Geophysics (MSc) must be delivered remotely in telematic mode (Microsoft Teams platform): this is currently the most reasonable, viable and effective option, and it will allow to keep an academic calendar unchanged from the usual one.

- The DST and the MSc have developed a distance teaching plan for the first semester which will maintain all the basic training criteria, but will also be enriched with supplementary and complementary contents and experiences.

- A reception and tutoring project for support of freshmen has been prepared.

- Part of the practical activities and laboratories will be recovered in the presence between January and February, if necessary and health conditions allow. Lessons in the field will be held in the second semester, and participation will also be offered to students who were unable to participate in the 2019-2020 academic year.

- This plan will allow students to take the exams according to the usual academic calendar.

The DST and the MSc, as soon as the health condition allows, are able to immediately switch to the face-to-face teaching, while guaranteeing the telematic method as a necessary option for students who are unable to participate in face-to-face lessons.

The choice of the DST and the MSc is reasonable and clear and does not leave any ambiguity or margins of discretion, guaranteeing the choices of the students and their families and allowing a peaceful planning of the economic choices related to university attendance.





Webinar: "Petrolio dalle andesiti, Neuquén Basin, Argentina" by Sergio Rocchi

This webinar is intended as a story of the field trip of the LASI 6 Conference (The physical geology of subvolcanic systems: laccoliths, sills and dykes, Malargüe, Mendoza Province, Argentina, 24-29 November 2019 - http://lasi6.org). The webinar is not a report on a scientific study of a specific topic, but is structured as a presentation of the geological peculiarities of the Neuquén Basin, such as the enormous yet little known Quaternary volcanic province, the superb exposures of the Miocene sub-volcanic bodies, and the oil field with unconventional reservoirs, fundamental support of the economy of Argentina.
The webinar is in Italian, with slides in English. Questions can be asked in English.

Seminar about Ground-Penetrating radar and Glaciology

The course of Radar Geomorphology organizes a seminar delivered by Prof. Emanuele Forte (University of Trieste): "GPR in Glaciology: potential and challenge"

The seminar is planned for January 27th and will insight the possibility of GPR to image the interior of glaciers, to infer ice density distribution, locate brines and determine warm and cold domains. All are invited.




Discovering the subsurface of Mars


Roberto Orosei will deliver a seminar inside the course of Radar Geomorphology: "Radar detection of subglacial water under the South polar cap of Mars"

The seminar is scheduled for January 27th (Room C, 14 PM, Earth Sciences Department) and will illustrate the capability of GPRs mounted aboard ESA Mars Express and NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to explore the subsurface of Mars. All are invited, see you there.

Seminario OROSEI




The web portal for non-EU and EU-students application to the next Academic Year (2020-21) is operative. Please visit the site:


and follow carefully the instructions required for registration and documents uploading. After a positive evaluation, applicants will be informed about enrolment procedure at the University of Pisa.

Applications will be evaluated in three rounds; students positively evaluated in the first round will be considered for a scholarship granted by the University of Pisa.




Dr. Gianluca Catanzariti (3D GEOIMAGING) will deliver a seminar inside the course of Radar Geomorphology

"Non-conventional use of Ground Penetrating Radar: the example of the Italian research at Tutankhamon's tomb (KV62)"

The seminar's abstract cna be find here.

Students and researchers are invited on Thursday, the 12nd of December (09:15 am), Room E of the Department of Earth Sciences


PISA TALK 2019 def



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