Friday, 12 March 2021 10:46

seminario online "Monte Amiata volcano (Tuscany, Italy) in the history of volcanology - Its role in the definition of "ignimbrite" concepts and in the development of the "rheoignimbrite" model of Alfred Rittmann" - giovedi' 18 marzo , ore 11.

Giovedì 18 marzo 2021 alle ore 11:00 la Dott.ssa Claudia Principe (IGG-CNR, Pisa) terrà il webinar "Monte Amiata volcano (Tuscany, Italy) in the history of volcanology - Its role in the definition of "ignimbrite" concepts and in the development of the "rheoignimbrite" model of Alfred Rittmann".

Qui di seguito, il link di GoToMeeting:
