The International Summer School on "Investigating alpine permafrost dynamics from space to the field" will be held in Bolzano (Italy) on 16-19 July 2019.
The school is organized by the University of Pavia and EURAC Research and consist of: 
- 3 days: of lectures and practical exercises. 
- 1 day: field excursion in the exciting periglacial environment of Val Senales (South Tyrol, Italy).

Deadline for application: 16 June 2019

For more information and to apply, please check the following links:
and here:

The School will be held on October 7-10, 2019 in the historical Palazzo Vistarino ( in Pavia (Italy). The major purpose of the School is to share and discuss the modern knowledge of the lower continental crust, from geological, structural, petrological, geochemical and geophysical viewpoints. The School is targeted to PhD students, post-docs, advanced master students and young researchers, and comprises a poster session for participants.

To apply to the School, a short CV and a poster's abstract should be sent to by July 8, 2019.
Registration is free. Participants wishing to apply for a free accommodation at Palazzo Vistarino's guesthouse (six availabilities), should also send: (i) a statement of interest in the School, and (ii) a letter of support from a supervisor.

Dal 25 al 28 Giugno 2019 si terrà la "III Scuola Internazionale di Geochimica dei Fluidi - MODELLISTICA GEOCHIMICA E PROBLEMATICHE AMBIENTALI " (3rd International School of Fluid Geochemistry -GEOCHEMICAL MODELING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, presso il Centro ARPA Umbria “Cambiamento climatico e biodiversità in ambienti lacustri e aree umide” Isola Polvese – Lago Trasimeno (PG). 

E' necessaria la registrazione. 

Maggiori Informazioni 

Il 17-18 Giugno 2019 presso il Centro Congressi dell’Area della Ricerca del CNR (Via Gobetti 101, Bologna) si terrà il Workshop "La dinamica del clima nell’ultimo ciclo glaciale-interglaciale".

Dowload Programma

Il "corso avanzato in Paleontologia dei vertebrati - Investigating the evolution of mammals: new methods and analytic tools for old bones" (4 CFU), a cura del Dr. Luca Pandolfi, si terrà presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra di Firenze (via G. La Pira 4, Firenze) dal 7 al 10 maggio 2019

Programma del corso 

Registrazioni entro il 29 aprile 2019
Contatti: Prof. Lorenzo Rook

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